Sunday, October 18, 2009

Photo Update

I've been working, I've been knitting, but not a whole lot. James and I have both been sick a lot lately. Now that the weather has cooled off I'll be more inclined to knit. These are some of the things I've been working on.

JoJoLand Cashmere 2 ply for my Lily of the Valley Scarf (From Knitted Lace of Estonia by Nancy Bush)

Finished Gretel, by Ysolda Teague, in white Malabrigo worsted.

Finished Spring Things Shawl, by Susan Lawrence, in teal JaggerSpun Zephyr.

Only problem now is that I am losing some knitting mojo. Instructions are frustrating. I've been working on one project (not pictured) that is taking forever, and I don't much like. Hopefully the cashmere scarf will give me a little more enthusiasm. :)

1 comment:

Kristina D. Closs said...

Hey Molly! Wow you have been busy! I love Ysolda's patterns, did I tell you that I was playing with the idea of making the vivian sweater. I'm thinking a nice red. Great work! Miss you!